Windbreak and eliminate hidden dangers! Seiko Technology solidly promotes the "Safety Production Month" activity Go deep and go solid
source:Jinggong Science and Technology      Release time:2023/06/20

June of this year is the 22nd national "Safety Production Month". Seiko Technology closely revolves around the theme of "everyone speaks of safety, everyone will respond to emergencies", and has issued the "2023" Safety Production Month "activity plan. The administrative management department coordinates and ensures the implementation of a series of activities in various forms, solidly promoting the deepening and deepening of the" Safety Production Month "activity, continuously improving the safety quality of employees, and ensuring the continuous stability of the company's entire industry safety production situation.



In June, various industries of Seiko Technology held a "Safety Production Month" mobilization conference, which mobilized industry employees to start from themselves and adhere to quality and safety production through leadership mobilization oaths, speeches from advanced employees, and special deployments. At the climax of the ceremony, all employees promised to take the oath and signed safety responsibilities in sequence, demonstrating their determination and confidence in "everyone emphasizes safety" through practical actions;


At the beginning of June, the company specially invited emergency rescue experts from the Red Cross Society of Keqiao District to carry out emergency rescue training on the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of emergency rescue. All the trainees successfully passed the test and obtained the certificate of rescuer issued by the Red Cross Society of Keqiao District. The training not only improved the trainees' awareness of emergency rescue, but also created a safe and stable environment for the company's production and operation;

In mid June, the company conducted safety production knowledge training for industrial team management personnel and important position personnel through a combination of "offline training and online competition". While enhancing safety production knowledge and awareness, the company continued to improve the safety technology operation level of frontline staff and further enhance the safety production management level of the enterprise.

The orderly implementation of safety production activities and the comprehensive promotion of safety production learning content have made all employees of the company deeply aware of the importance of safety production work, further improving the safety prevention ability and self rescue and mutual rescue ability of employees, and laying a solid foundation for the following special inspections, rectification, and emergency accident drills.